Use the tool below to explore important data on Canada's young and growing urban Aboriginal population. The tool is based on data generated from the 2011 National Household Survey and Statistics Canada’s 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Learn about our methodology here.
Based on a federal decision announced in June 2010, the mandatory long questionnaire also known as the 2B Long Form was replaced by a voluntary survey at the time of data collection for the 2011 Census known as the National Household Survey (NHS). Many departments, agencies and local planners who have used the data from the long census questionnaire now find themselves having to spend extra time familiarizing themselves with the changes related to the implementation of the NHS. But are the data from the NHS and the previous Census 2B long form data comparable? The fact the NHS is a voluntary survey has resulted in lower response rates creating bias and poorer quality of data. And, when there is a Global non-response rate of 50% or lower the data becomes suppressed, meaning it is not released due to its small size and unreliability. This was not unusual for smaller cities or towns and even the smaller provinces. As for some questions what we experienced in preparing the data for this tool is that the “Atlantic Provinces” became aggregated and provincial data for some variables for each province Nova Scotia, PEI, NFLD, and NB was not released.
The Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) provides data on the social and economic conditions of First Nations, Metis and Inuit people living in Canada. Sections that utilize APS data apply to Aboriginal people living off reserve in small, medium and large centres and not those people residing in rural communities.
The Community Well-Being index is a way to evaluate the well-being of individual Canadian communities. The CWB index was created by AANDC and is based on the 2011 National Household Survey to calculate the CWB scores. The index is calculated using various indicators of socio-economic well-being, including education, labour force activity, income and housing and then combined to give each community a well-being "score". These scores are then used to compare the well-being across First Nations and Inuit communities with the well-being in non-Aboriginal communities over time.