Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: This project aims at hearing the voices of urban First Nation, Metis, and Inuit youth, whose voices are not often advocated for, and applying their shared experiences to educational change.The entire research project consists of exploring these questions with urban and rural First Nation, Metis and Inuit youth in six […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of how the Anishinaabe smudging ceremony is accommodated within four urban hospitals in Northeastern Ontario. Specifically, it will examine the smudging ceremony and how it is integrated into policies through an analytical comparative framework. By utilizing a comparative analysis, the […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: This project will explore the tensions between Indigenous and Western notions of successful education, and how these tensions impact the teaching and evaluation of Indigenous students in provincially-funded schools in Ontario. This project will conduct a case study of the Aboriginal Education Strategy is the Alternative Secondary School Programs within […]