Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: This project evolved out of a case brought before the New Brunswick (NB) Court of Queen’s Bench, Family Division, where the Department of Social Development (DSD) was severely criticized by the Judge for not being more sensitive and aware of the government’s historical, legal and moral obligation to service Aboriginal […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: This project follows up on our earlier work on the discussion paper regarding the constitutional duty to consult (Hughes & Stewart, 2015) and work for the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council on the representational needs and aspirations of off-reserve Aboriginal populations in New Brunswick titled “Non-Status and Off-Reserve Aboriginal Representation […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: The Wabanaki Two Spirit Alliance was established to build supports in areas of health, culture, education, awareness and research on matters related to Two Spirit people in Atlantic Canada. The Alliance relies on health data from organizations like Egale Canada and Health Canada, which are not specific to social-cultural contexts […]