Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: Founded in 1972, the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council (NBAPC) was created to preserve the rights and represent the interests of New Brunswick’s off-reserve Aboriginal population. This project aims to address the need to document the history of the organization identified as a priority by Elders in the urban Aboriginal […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: The UAKN Atlantic Executive Committee is commissioning an Urban Aboriginal historical overview for each Atlantic Province. The historical overview for each province will take the form of a full report and stand alone executive summary to be used in an informational brochure. These two documents will also have an attached […]
Research Start-up Summary and Abstract: Southern Inuit from the NunatuKavut region of Labrador have started to challenge the established historical narratives that have been shaped by settler colonialism to reflect dominant interests about the land and its people. The historical re-production of the life and culture of the Southern Inuit has often been portrayed by […]